St. John's United Church of Christ 

  • CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: We have Sunday School classes for children from preschool through high school as well as a class for adults. Bible Study groups are offered at various times throughout the year.

  • SANCTUARY CHOIR: This group of high school students and adults meet for practice on Wednesdays at 7 pm except during the summer. Their music enhances our worship service twice each month and at special services.

  • HANDBELL CHOIR: The original adult group has now expanded to include interested youth. The youth learn first on the hand chimes and then progress to handbells. Playing from the balcony, the handbell choir shares their talents once a month and on special occasions.

  • FELLOWSHIP TEAM: This faithful group works behind the scenes to coordinate the meal for the Annual Congregational Meeting, funeral meals and other special meals throughout the year.

  • SHALOM: Through the generosity of our members and community partners including local churches, grocery and other stores, SHALOM provides a food pantry to residents of Henry County on the first and third Tuesdays each month from 4:30 – 6. Any resident of Henry County in need is welcome to visit one time each month. SHALOM is not open on the 5th Tuesdays or on holidays.

  • PEACE GARDEN: Located on the southeast corner of the church, is filled with a wonderful selection of plants, statues, stepping stones and inviting benches. It is just what it says – a peaceful garden for relaxation or contemplation. Of course, that peace takes work and those who are willing are invited to join Norma Nagel and other volunteers on Thursday mornings to weed, water and otherwise tend to the garden.

